Individual Giving

We greatly depend on the generous support of our patrons. Your tax-deductible donation helps defray the rising cost of royalties, music and script rental, compensation for production staff, materials for building sets and creating costumes, and rental of rehearsal and performance space.

Any amount given is met with our utmost gratitude. For monetary gifts $50 and over we will proudly list your name in the digital program for our upcoming production, and you'll get the chance to purchase tickets a week before they go on sale to the general public!


For monetary gifts $50 and over we will proudly list your name in the digital program for our upcoming production and you'll get the chance to purchase tickets a week before they go on sale to the general public!

  • Gold: $250+ donation

  • Silver: $100+ donation

  • Bronze: $50+ donation

  • Friend: Donations under $50



Memorial Fund

Pittsford Musicals also maintains a memorial fund to supplement our scholarship giving. When we are able to give from the fund, any scholarships given will be in the name of one of the ones remembered. If you’re interested in donating directly to the memorial fund, please complete the form below and dedicate the gift to the Memorial Fund.

Costume and Prop Rentals

Pittsford Musicals is pleased to share its large collection costumes and props with other local theater groups and schools. Our collection includes everything from Brigadoon kilts and dresses to cowboy hats, shirts, and chaps. We also have beautiful long gowns, dresses, skirts and blouses, pants, shirts, suits, coats, and accessories. There are prayer shawls, monk’s robes, body armor, scarves, aprons, bloomers, petticoats, hats, gloves, shoes, and just about anything you could imagine.
We suggest a donation of $100.00 when borrowing our costumes and props. This donation helps us pay the rent for our storage space. Any funds left over are added to our scholarship fund.
Costumes are loaned on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, please contact our Costume Loft Manager at

Get Involved!


Volunteer effort has been, and remains, essential to the continued existence and success of Pittsford Musicals. There's something for everyone to do in a Pittsford Musicals show, and you'll have a great time doing it too.

We need actors. We need stage crew. Then there's costume and set construction, props personnel, set painters, and decorators. We need people to staff the box office, stuff envelopes, run to the printer or to the hardware store, or help the cast with make-up. We need ushers.

No experience? No problem. All that's required is your interest and cooperation so that together we can put on the best show in town, help to raise scholarship funds, and have fun all at the same time.

Send us an email and let us know what you might be interested in doing and we can get back to you.